Why your business needs to invest in Search Engine Optimisation

The online abyss has created competition across industries beyond imagination. With over 3.7 billion global internet users, don’t you think that your website deserves appropriate attention…..to have that visibility that is vital to its success? Of course this is assuming you do have a website and if you don’t then you need to speak with us now. Your goal is to reach the best possible rank on search engines like Google, so that you declare your presence and grab searchers’ attention. Your business success is assisted by your website, converting visits into leads and then into sales. Your website must be seen!

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is made up of keyword or keyphrase optimisation, link building, content marketing, clean HTML coding and even the ease of navigation. SEO takes the rules of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and translates them into actionable strategies and implements them on your website and across the internet. Simply put, you need your website to build relevancy and authority.

Page authority refers to how credible your page is in the eyes of web spiders/crawlers and Google determines this by checking your site’s link profile. The quantity and quality of inbound links on other web pages – or backlinks – pointing to your webpage is correlated to the authority it enjoys. It is crucial that the placement of relevant inbound links maintains relevancy. There needs to be a focus on building the inbound links on sites that publish similar topics as yours and that they have higher page authority.

If you are struggling to convince your CEOs about the value of SEO and can’t get them to expand the marketing budget, then here’s a list that may help you:

  1. SEO is an investment.
    Most clicks go to the top 3 spots on a search engine’s first page; lifting your search ranking from Google’s search page 2 to page 1 can provide you with a massive return on your investment. Get it right and SEO can pay back!
  2. Establishing the territory.
    Competitors who are already pursuing an SEO strategy are cementing their ranking positions and establishing the keyword territory. Visibility needs to be captured before your competition and that you are not missing keyword opportunities.
  1. SEO to be used as part of your marketing mix.
    SEO has the ability to pull in prospects and help boost conversions. Once it is intelligently integrated into the marketing mix, it will complement social media, branding and other marketing strategies.
  1. Cost of SEO.
    SEO services have no fixed price. The actions required to fulfil analysis, link building and more activities are unique and tailored for specific situations. One analogy to keep in mind is that SEO is like buying a car: your price will match your needs. A safe investment is to ask for an SEO pre-analysis so that you can be convinced about the real value of adopting an SEO strategy.
  1. SEO efforts are fully measurable.
    Measuring productivity is of utmost importance to management teams. When it comes to SEO, it can be measured in many ways: measuring your organic traffic, analyzing your ranking, measuring ‘entrances’ (organic referrals to a site’s pages), and, leads (completing web forms or calling your business means that prospective customers are expressing an interest in your products/services).
    “If lead measurement is missing from the equation” the other metrics don’t matter. “If leads don’t meet expectations…then ROI is not sufficient.” Chad Hill
    With measurements, you can demonstrate to your CEO what is changing and how it is affecting the bottom line of the business.


Today’s digital world is highly competitive and SEO has become fundamental to every business. When building your online marketing strategy you should consider SEO as a fully measurable solution to add to the mix since it has the largest ROI of all the marketing channels. It is important to ensure that you remain aware that it takes time but has a positive long term effect. Even though some of the SEO work can be performed by your in-house team, it is recommended that you hire an external SEO partner who should be considered as part of your company’s growth plan.

True SEO work is systemic, on-going and requires a broad range of skills. The MediaLink team is able to offer a fresh perspective and assist with insights beyond the boundaries of your business.

Email us for a free, no commitment SEO audit of your website!


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